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Working Groups / Inaugural Monthly Meetings

Contemporary Art League is a trade cooperative building solidarity, equity, and unity across the contemporary art field in Los Angeles County. We hope you’ll join us for one or more of our volunteer working group meetings in June! 

Over the past year and a half, the CAL founders have been working to establish the basic legal and financial infrastructure; listening to and sharing with individuals and groups in the field about the needs and wants in our community; writing grant applications; and conceptualizing the seemingly infinite possibilities for CAL. 

As a nascent co-op, we still have a road ahead of us before we can offer membership and worker ownership. Meanwhile, we are keenly aware that for this project to be a truly cooperative enterprise, we need more voices and decision-makers at the table, putting in the work with us to develop CAL. 

We’ve established working groups as a framework for this participation, which will come in the form of active attendance at monthly meetings; reading and responding to working group meeting notes; and/or independent work on assigned tasks between meetings. Volunteers who commit to participation will be asked to track their hours, and credits will be applied to membership and/or worker ownership as we grow.  

This is a necessary and exciting step for CAL, and we’re looking forward to working together with you to contribute to the evolution of our field and to develop CAL to its full potential. 

Scroll down for more information on how to get involved. 

This newsletter and our Instagram account are the primary ways we keep in touch with our community of artists and art workers in Los Angeles County, so please stay tuned and share widely; we need your help to get the word out about CAL!

Below is a schedule of meetings—all remote via zoom—for each working group: Healthcare, Capital, and Outreach. Please register at the link(s) below. If you are not able to attend the meetings as scheduled, there will be opportunities to stay informed and volunteer, regardless of attendance. More details will be distributed to registered participants following each meeting.   

1st Tuesday of each month, 5-6pm
First meeting: June 7
The Healthcare Working Group will be helping launch our first program and first partnership this summer, which is oriented around access to health insurance. The group will also be tasked with research and development for future programs and partnerships in the health insurance and healthcare focus area. 
REGISTER for the Healthcare Working Group 

2nd Tuesday of each month, 5-6pm
First meeting: June 14
The Capital Working Group will first be tasked with developing income for CAL’s startup costs. The group will research and write grants; research social impact investment capital; and may work on a startup fundraising campaign. This group will also be looking at ways that CAL can help our community access capital as part of our community support programs in the future.   
REGISTER for the Capital Working Group 

3rd Tuesday of each month, 5-6pm
First meeting: June 21
The Outreach Working Group will research, write, design, and post Instagram content; write, design, and distribute The Art Worker; steward community conversations; develop and present a series of remote public events; and develop outreach campaigns to support CAL programs and partnerships.
REGISTER for the Outreach Working Group 

How can I get involved with Contemporary Art League?

  • Spread the word by forwarding this newsletter to friends and colleagues.

  • Volunteer for a working group.  

  • Follow, tag, comment, and share on Instagram.

  • Introduce us to your friends and colleagues who are interested in connecting with CAL. 

  • Fund us by making a tax deductible donation or connecting us with potential supporters.


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