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You’re invited to a STUDIO LOAN online info session on November 13, 2024 at 12pm PT! 


STUDIO LOAN is a collaborative initiative from Contemporary Art League and The Artist’s Contract. As an artist-led, community-based service pairing artists with studios to lend with artists who need to borrow space for a short term, this project meets the need for affordable, short-term studio space in the Los Angeles area.  

The service offers online bulletin boards; a best practices checklist; and a free, adaptable license agreement template to outline terms in writing. Arrangements may be formulated as studio loans, exchanges, or short term, low cost agreements that are facilitated via the bulletin board and license agreement template, all dependent on the participants’ needs.

STUDIO LOAN sets the groundwork for CAL’s central long term goal: a cooperatively-owned community center that houses support and services for art workers, including short term studio rentals. 

STUDIO LOAN is a service offered without charge to its users, but everything costs money. The project was built with volunteer labor, and there are real financial costs to launch, maintain, and keep it free for all to use. This service would not be possible without donations from the 50 believers who donated to our first ever community fundraiser last summer. If you want to see this project live on and continue to grow, please donate today
To learn more about the origin of the STUDIO LOAN initiative, please enjoy essays by Virginia Broersma, MonaLisa Whitaker, Cara Miller, and Corrina Peipon in past editions of The Art Worker. 

We look forward to hearing how your experiences with the STUDIO LOAN bulletin board and license agreement go—Keep in touch, and let us know!

In Solidarity 

The heroes at Working Artists and the Greater Economy recently launched a new Skills Calculator, a searchable database of regional wage and salary rates by skill or occupation intended to create more pay transparency, increase wages, and establish industry standards for art workers. The W.A.G.E. Skills Calculator helps art world freelancers “calculate an average rate of compensation for a group of selected skills, thereby answering the eternal burning question: how much should I charge?JOIN WAGENCY for free to show your support for W.A.G.E. And to USE the Skills Calculator and all of the essential tools, join me (WAGENT #540 ) and all paying WAGENTS by paying your $5 monthly dues that contribute to the radical shifts we need in our field.

Artists Thr!ve is an artist- and art worker-founded and run organization providing assessment tools and support resources to artists and arts organizations across the country. They just hit GO on their National Resource Hub that helps folks locate resources in various areas such as Development & Finance, Legal, Communicating & Connecting, and more. Use this resource hub as a way to search for super-specific toolkits, podcasts, webinars, and more that will inform your everyday operations and contribute to long term sustainability.  

How can I get involved with Contemporary Art League?

Email us to jointhe volunteer working group mailing list

Use the STUDIO LOAN bulletin board and license agreement

Get free, confidential Help with Health Insurance

Use free online templates through our partnership with The Artist's Contract  

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Would you like to contribute an essay or column on art and labor to The Art Worker? Let us know

Donate funds to help us fund STUDIO LOAN and all of our initiatives. Click DONATE below or on our website to make a tax deductible donation through our fiscal sponsorship with Fractured Atlas.


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