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Covered California Open Enrollment is Available Now:
Get Help with Health Insurance

When we were first thinking about starting a mutual aid trade organization to support the needs of art workers, we talked to people across Los Angeles County about our community’s needs. Health insurance came up in every single conversation we had. Even with increased access to health insurance since the Affordable Care Act was passed and Covered California was established, the Los Angeles Artist Census learned that 61% of Los Angeles-based visual artists go without healthcare or medicine. 

Now, we’re facing the possibility of significant changes to the Affordable Care Act under the new federal administration taking office in January. Here in California, we’re privileged to have Covered California, our own statewide health insurance exchange. CC works in tandem with MediCal (our state’s version of MediCare) to provide subsidized health insurance to those who qualify.    

Contemporary Art League’s long term goal is to offer professional support, community services, and advocacy opportunities housed in a cooperatively owned and operated community center. Among the community services we intend to offer is a group health insurance plan, along with benefit services specialists to advise members on choosing the best plan for their needs and income. 

In the meantime, we’ve partnered with the Entertainment Community Fund to provide California-based art workers with free, confidential assistance with navigating Covered California.

Covered California offers subsidized Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum plans by brand name insurers with subsidies of up to 100%, depending on annual income and household size. Help with Health Insurance (HHI) is a personal service that connects art workers with an expert counselor who can provide free, confidential help with Covered California—from choosing a health insurance plan that accommodates your needs and budget to advice on the administrative process, eligibility, and benefits. Counselors work exclusively with the arts and entertainment industry and are aware of the unique needs of our community.

The language of healthcare can be unclear and intimidating. Here at CAL, we use this service ourselves and have found it extremely helpful. HHI offers answers to any questions you may have, from the most basic to the most complex. If benefits specialists are unable to assist you, they will guide you to the most appropriate place to get the answers you need.

REGISTER for this free, confidential service here.

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Get free, confidentialHelp with Health Insurance

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